Some of our largest customers include: Kaposvári Tungsram (Kaposvár), Híradásipari Anyagok Gyára (Vác), Videoton (Székesfehérvár), MAV Vagongyártó és Javító Kft. (Dunakeszi).
Customers that have purchased our packaging tools include: M.J.Maillis Kft., Kaposplast Kft., Céh Kft., Reményi és Társa Kft., Hungaropack Kft., Mű-Pack Kft., Mini Pack. and other undertakings engaged in packaging operations across the territory of Hungary, including some large customers /Jamina Rt., Elextrolux etc./. Our products are also sold in neighbouring countries where they are distributed by wholesalers.
Clients that have purchased our passenger rail car components include: Bombardier MAV Dunakeszi Kft., MAV Gépészeti ZRt., Északi Járműjavító Kft., MAV Szolnoki Járműjavító Kft., MAV Vasjárműjavító Kft. Szombathely, BKV Járműjavító Kft. etc.